
Showing posts from February, 2022

Planning: other info

  Schedule:   2/26 and 2/27- The filming will begin on these days. We will film the first shots that include voiceovers  from the main protagonist which are scenes 1, 2, 3, 4. The we will film the main conversation voiceovers  and the main fight scene voiceovers which are in scenes 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Then we will film the  outcome last scene (scene 11) which includes the outcome of the fight.  3/5 and 3/6- We will finish filming these days by filming the actual action in the scenes. These scenes  include all 11.  4 / 7 3/12 and 3/13- We will edit together all the scenes we have filmed and we will add the voiceovers to the  scenes. We will also add the background music and low lightning/cloud grey weather.  Location:  We will be filming in an alley way and a convenience store around the corner near my house.    5 / 7 Participants:  Actors  Andy Hernandez-Vazquez: Main Protagonist/Retired Military Special Force...

Script Planning

  Scene 1   · Non-Diegetic Sound: Serious-ominous song plays throughout the scenes  · Diegetic Sound: Footsteps of the protagonist heard  · Lighting: dark, gray lighting from the clouds  ·  Protagonist (Voiceover) : It’s been half a year since the tragedy. I’ve been training myself from  that whole time, hardcore training, non-stop determination, all for the sake of  revenge .  Scene 2  · The viewers are shown flashbacks to the life that the protagonist had, with his loving family.  · The color grading of the scene is in an old-grainy look, to show the long time it has been.  ·  Protagonist (Voiceover) : Every passing time, every passing day, I always miss them. Their  innocent faces, their fragile selves, they didn’t deserve this.  Scene 3  · The scene is then transitioned into the protagonist finding their dead family when arriving to  them.  ·  Protagonist (Voiceover):  I will never, e...

Title Design Planning

 The opening credits of our film will appear in the Algerian font, they will come in on black lines that go across the screen. Some of the credits will be embedded in the setting, like knives, guns (PROP), etc. Our working title is Vengeance. We believe it relates to the story deeply since the definition of the word is "punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong" which relates to our story of a soldier exacting revenge.  It will be in Algerian font, bolded, and all caps. We would show you what the title looks like but blogger doesn't support the font, here's an example of it without the cool addition font stuff: VENGEANCE. The titles will come up on the screen along the lines, it will be red on black, symbolizing blood being spilt. Titles will disappear between 1-3 seconds, depending on the importance of the information. The main title however, will appear after the opening scene is shown, zooming in slowly and then having blood splattered on i...

Title Design Research: Spider-Man Into The Spiderverse

1. How many titles are displayed during the opening scene of the film? Which ones?  First the opening mentions who the movie is directed by. Then it lists the producers of the movie. Then it lists who the screenplay and story are made by. Then it says based on the Marvel comics. Lastly the name of the movie is shown: Spider-Man Into The Spider-Verse.  2. What connotations do the images carry?  The Spider-Men in the intro are seen spray painting a wall with their symbols. This is ironic because the Spider-Men are supposed to be saving the day but they are spay painting public property which is illegal. Another image is the Spider-Men running and swinging around. The connotation of this image contributes to the action genre because its fast paced. The sound track also contributes because its fast song which provides hype and suspense.  3. How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?  The genre is reinforced through the symbolic and...

Title Design Research: Mission Impossible Fallout

 How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? Which ones?  In the beginning of the Mission Impossible – Fallout sequence, the company associated with the movie is credited along with the producers. It is then followed up by the production team, with Tom Cruise having a huge role in production. Afterwards, we are then showed the actors who are apart of this making of the film. These people include: Tom Cruise, Henry Cavill, Ving Rhames, Simon Pecc, Rebecca Ferguson, and more. After all the actors were shown, the final title given was the name of the movie itself, “Mission Impossible – Fallout".    What connotations do the images carry?  From the beginning of the sequence, the movie gives the connotation that this environment is big and popular based on the establishing shot and will be packed with action based on the following scenes presented. Throughout the next scenes, the protagonist is then tracked through the shot and shows him qu...

Title Design Research: Shazam

 Movie Name: Shazam 1. How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? Which ones? The Shazam opening starts with who its directed by and then it gives credit to the screenplay maker. Next it tells who the story is by. Then it lists the producer and the executive producers. The it says its based on characters from the DC universe. Lastly the director of photography and the production designer are listed. 2. What connotations do the images carry? The images in the shazam opening contain many action packed scenes which create a fast paced tone. Shazam's primary purpose is to protect the city since he is a superhero. By showing him stopping the robbers from robbing the bank it connotates the superhero vibe. The opening also shows people lining up to meet him after he arrests the robbers which also contributes to the superhero vibe. These opening images correlate to the primary purpose which is to create an action packed feeling. 3. How is the genre reinforced t...

Title Design Research: Aquaman

1. What titles are displayed in the opening sequence? The title sequence in Aquaman starts off by showing the director of the movie. The sequence continues on to show the people behind the screenplay and story of the movie. Afterwards, the opening shows the producers of the movie and what the character is based on. Finally, the opening sequence shows the names of the actors who will be starring in the movie, and the company who owns everything (weird that they put that in the end). 2. What connotations do the images carry? In the opening sequence of Aquaman, the images carried lots of hidden connotations that connect to the main character. The images in the opening sequence show Aquaman’s main hometown Atlantis, and how the entire place has been run down since his departure. The images also show how the people of Atlantis are oppressed by their current ruler, who is secretly Aquaman’s brother. Putting all this together, it connects to the deeper meaning of the Aquaman movie, of how Aqu...

Title Design Research: Action

 Now then, it's time to begin our research, by looking over examples of sequences.  The first website that I looked at was The Art of the Title website. I love the organization of the website, providing simple spots that could direct you to a different page. I love the logo of the website; it looks so creative and distinctive; I also love the fact that Cinema 4D had supported most of these sequences. I used to use Cinema 4D a lot for rendering projects, so I know somewhat now how these sequences were created. I love how they formatted each sequence, setting them by release date and naming order. The most useful items would have to be the grid-list selection where you could pick between looking at a grid view of sequences or a list view of the names of sequences. This could be useful for people because some would want a visual representation to see how the sequence looks while others would use the list view to find specific sequences. I am happy to also see that the creators of...

Genre Research: Spider-Man No Way Home

  The third movie that is being researched is Spider-Man No Way Home. In this section we are discussing the different camera angles and movements. In one of the scenes there is a panning shot of Spider-Man swinging away from reporters. The scene keeps panning all the way until Spider-Man reaches his house. There is also a close up shot of Peter Parker (Spider-Man) when he is holding his aunt in his hands when she was killed. The close up shot really shows the detail of Peter's face and you could really see his emotions. Another shot used is the tracking shot when all 3 Spider-Men were swinging around the statue of liberty to try and defeat the villain's. The camera kept constantly pointing to the Spider-Men as they swung through the sky together. Now for the next section we will discuss some common cosmetics of the film. The actors and dialogue for each character create great interactions with each other because the 3 Spider-Men which were loved by many fans were brought bac...

Genre Research: The Kings Man

 The second movie that will be researched is The Kings Man. In this section, we will discuss about the different camera angles and camera movements. In one of the scenes, there is a medium-long shot that includes the whole organization of the Kings Men. After this shot, the scene is then changed into a zoom shot in which the camera zooms in on the main protagonist (Conrad) meeting the group. There is also a panning shot where the camera moves through the table of the members in the organization. There was also a two shot scenes that consisted of Conrad and the Duke of Oxford talking with Rasputin. Now for the next section, we’ll discuss about some common cosmetics of the film. Each character in the film have costumes that represent their hero personality, for example, Rasputin's costume color representing the color of fear. The actors for each character also have great dialogue between each character and also create great interactions. Wherever Conrad is at, the lighting is alw...

Genre Research: Deadpool 2

  For the first movie that will be researched is Deadpool 2! In this section, we will discuss about the different camera angles and camera movements. In one of the scenes, there is a medium-long shot that includes the whole Deadpool crew about to jump off and sky-dive. After this shot, the scene is then changed into a tracking shot in which the camera keeps constantly pointing towards Deadpool falling through the sky. There is also a panning shot where one of the many fights are occurring, the scene keeps panning horizontally through Deadpool’s movements. There were also two shot scenes that consisted of Deadpool and Weasel interviewing other characters to join their X Force group. Now for the next section, we’ll discuss about some common cosmetics of the film. Each character in the film have costumes that represent their hero personality, for example, Deadpool’s costume color representing the color of blood. The actors for each character also have great dialogue between each c...

Genre Decision Blog

  After looking over each genre, we decided that, in order for our pitch to be correctly formatted, that the action genre would fit. We came to this reason because the action genre is almost exactly how we want the opening sequence for our pitch to be like, scenes full of action and combat, movement. The reason why horror genre wouldn’t work for our pitch was due to the plot having no horror sense at all. The plot of our pitch is greatly action-related and a horror genre wouldn't fit to all the scenes having more movement. Our opening sequence is based on a rivalry, not some upper entity who controls all of the environment around the protagonist, which is why horror genre would also not be a good fit. Thriller genre was another candidate but had felt as if it were the same type of energy as a horror film rather than an action. Throughout each and every thriller film I had researched on, there were lots of action and movement throughout scenes, however, most were spook-related in wh...

Genre Research Blog: Horror

  Common Camera Angles:         High Angle: These kinds of shots are used in horror films to make the figure or object that is looked down upon seem completely powerless and vulnerable.   Close Up : These shots are used to see reactions on the actors face. This shot shows the most emotion from characters and captures detail in an important scene.   Panning Shot: These shots connotes movement. This is used very effectively in horror films to make out a character being followed or watched    Tilted Angle: Tilted shots add a lot of attention to shots, and could simplify a supernatural being, for example pushing or moving the camera.       Common Film Necessities:   Setting: Forests, cemeteries, cabins, and abandoned buildings are just some of the main settings for horror films.   Lighting: Dim lighting and silhouettes are used in horror films because it creates tension due to its mysterious and dark atmosphere, control...