Genre Research: Spider-Man No Way Home


  1. The third movie that is being researched is Spider-Man No Way Home. In this section we are discussing the different camera angles and movements. In one of the scenes there is a panning shot of Spider-Man swinging away from reporters. The scene keeps panning all the way until Spider-Man reaches his house. There is also a close up shot of Peter Parker (Spider-Man) when he is holding his aunt in his hands when she was killed. The close up shot really shows the detail of Peter's face and you could really see his emotions. Another shot used is the tracking shot when all 3 Spider-Men were swinging around the statue of liberty to try and defeat the villain's. The camera kept constantly pointing to the Spider-Men as they swung through the sky together. Now for the next section we will discuss some common cosmetics of the film. The actors and dialogue for each character create great interactions with each other because the 3 Spider-Men which were loved by many fans were brought back to a new movie that included all 3 of them. When one of the main villain's electro was fighting the Spider-Men the lighting used was 10-kw lights that would discharge and flash in sync with the bolts. The strobes of light would simulate flashes the bolts threw on surrounding buildings and scenery. The best makeup in this movie had to be Tom Holland one of the Spider-Men because his makeup expressed his emotions well. For example when his aunt died in his hands with fire all around him the makeup on his face made him look injured and defeated.

  2. The sound in each part of the film creates a more vivid place for action to arise in the film. The music played in the background create a fast paced feeling when the Spider-Men are fighting the villain's. When a sad part in the movie is occurring a slow and gloomy music is used. The action genre elements are greatly produced throughout the film as well. The fighting scenes produce a fast feel with high paced swinging through the cities which use panning shots to show how fast Spider-Man is really going. My favorite element that the film consisted of were all the action present in each fighting scene. These scenes range from one Spider-Man fighting Green Goblin who was one of the main antagonists to all 3 Spider-Men fighting all of the main antagonists together for a great final fight. An element that didn't appeal to me would have to be the editing. I feel as if more editing was put into this film it would be more unique and stand out a lot better.


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