Title Design Research: Action
Now then, it's time to begin our research, by looking over examples of sequences.
The first website that I looked at was The Art of the Title website. I love the organization of the website, providing simple spots that could direct you to a different page. I love the logo of the website; it looks so creative and distinctive; I also love the fact that Cinema 4D had supported most of these sequences. I used to use Cinema 4D a lot for rendering projects, so I know somewhat now how these sequences were created. I love how they formatted each sequence, setting them by release date and naming order. The most useful items would have to be the grid-list selection where you could pick between looking at a grid view of sequences or a list view of the names of sequences. This could be useful for people because some would want a visual representation to see how the sequence looks while others would use the list view to find specific sequences. I am happy to also see that the creators of each sequence were credited on the website at the top of their page to support them. Each sequence provides a summary about the film in the scenes and what back-hand information you could know about it to better sense what Is going on. They also have a Patron where people could pay them for their hard work and to show their appreciation of creating a wonderful website to show all these sequences.
This other website is way different in comparison to the Art of the Title website. This website is known as Watch the Titles, it provides many sequences to different types of genres, such as video games, unlike the other website. As great as the amount of different sequences there are, there a set limit of sequences provided for film-like sequences that people could use. This is a bit of a downgrade in comparison to Art of the Title, consisting of way more title sequences than this. I like the organization of the website and the moody color of the background, creating a great feel. Like Art of the Title, this website also provides a summary to the viewer about the film in the sequence, explaining the main plot. There is also an about page for the website, explaining the creator of the website and his origin to title sequences. I don’t like that on this website, there is no original release date below each thumbnail of sequences. From the other website, they were able to help provide details to the movie such as release dates. These details had helped us a lot to find movies more quickly due to the length of release that film was limited to (2018).
This is all the feedback we have for these websites!
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