Planning: other info


2/26 and 2/27- The filming will begin on these days. We will film the first shots that include voiceovers from the main protagonist which are scenes 1, 2, 3, 4. The we will film the main conversation voiceovers and the main fight scene voiceovers which are in scenes 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Then we will film the outcome last scene (scene 11) which includes the outcome of the fight. 

3/5 and 3/6- We will finish filming these days by filming the actual action in the scenes. These scenes include all 11. 

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3/12 and 3/13- We will edit together all the scenes we have filmed and we will add the voiceovers to the scenes. We will also add the background music and low lightning/cloud grey weather. 


We will be filming in an alley way and a convenience store around the corner near my house. 


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Andy Hernandez-Vazquez: Main Protagonist/Retired Military Special Force Officer 

Maximus Macelaru: Main Antagonist/Kernel 

Other background characters will be added 

Jibril Alkishawi 

Andy Hernandez-Vazquez  

Jibril Alkishawi 

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Health and Safety: 
We will have a first aid kit at all times when we are filming and we will be supervised by adults. All the weapons we use will be props that cannot harm anyone in any way so we can maintain the safest possible filming area. 

Backup Plan: 
If it rains or anything else happens that interrupts our filming we will go to our replacement filming location which is an abandoned house because it provides the same dark and menacing tone. 


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