Production blog: The pool scene

Today's the day of the major pool scene. Me and my friends got together at school and went to my car. We stopped by dominoes to pick up some pizza because we were absolutely starving. Afterwards, we went by Jibril's place to pick up his cop costume. Honestly its just a blue trench coat and a police badge we got from the dollar store, but we gotta stay economic. We went to my place and absolutely devoured the pizza. Oh and i forgot to mention, my Amazon package containing fake blood and fake cyanide pills came. We could use the cyanide for the scene we were going to film. Now, it was time to record. We filmed the scene of me entering the house for the first time with the murder scene being crystal clear. We then recorded the scene of me tackling officer Lussac into the pool and dragging him out. This was one of the most fun scenes i've filmed in my life. The fake cyanide looked really cool when Lussac broke it into his mouth. It looked like he was having a real seizure. We even got some bloopers of my friends throwing me in the pool even AFTER i changed into fresh clothes. Once we finished filming, we went over to Jibril's place to film the evidence board scene in between the house and Lussac. We found a cool website that searched up "real police officers". In the app we uploaded a picture of Nick who played Lussac and it looked like he was a real officer. After filming the scene me and Alec left Jibril's place. After dropping Alec off home, I went home too and called it a day.


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