Almost forgot to bring the one main prop that the commercial NEEDS

 On Tuesday the 28th, our group started the filming for our commercial. We were not planning to film everything on the 28th but we had already finished our storyboard blog and we couldn't just sit in class and do nothing so we went out to film. I was the main actor of the commercial so I didn't really have to bring anything special for the filming. I brought some clothes to change into and that's it. When we left the class to go film I first went to the bathroom to change into my athletic clothes. Once we got down to the track we were planning how to do our CLAMPS and mis-en-scenes. After we figured everything out we started doing preparations. To give the affect of dehydration I ran 3 laps around the track to make myself sweat so when filming started it would seem more realistic. During the filming process we had way too many bloopers. Jibril was always laughing and Andy accidentally got hit with a water bottle in the head. The hardest scene to film was the final one. Jibril had to perfectly throw the water bottle so that it fell right into my hand without me having to move it. In the end we did everything perfectly and I ended up drenched in water due to what I had to do as part of the commercials final shot. On Thursday September 30th, me and my group went back down to the field. We reviewed all of our takes while sitting on the bleachers enjoying the fresh air. We redid some shots that we thought were a little rough or had bad acting. After all of that we sat on the bleachers and watched other people film. 15 minutes before class ended we went back to make sure everything was packed up and we were ready to leave. We reviewed the film one last time, making sure we had absolutely zero mistakes. In the end we left class and we have a plan for what we are going to do on Monday.


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