Group Blog (rebooted with new characters)

 Last year in the as level of Media Studies I was working with my friends Jibril and Andy (see original group blog to learn more). Now, we have new "players" and some og's from last year. Jibril has stayed in the group this year, accompanied with his charismatic wittiness. Andy has sadly left the group, not because he didn't like working with us but because he is not taking A level Media Studies. Instead, we have a friend named Alec joining our group for this year. Let me tell you all about the new group. The first one i'm gonna be talking about is Jibril Alkishawi otherwise known as Jibi which is how I will be referring to him. I've known him since fourth grade and we have been friends ever since. We went to the same elementary school and middle school. It seems lucky that he's in the same high school and same class as me. We've been in the same class for sixth and eighth grade. I've worked on projects with Jibi before so I know that he focuses on work and doesn't leave it for the last minute. Me and Jibril usually have sleepovers on the weekend and play video games. We also watch movies and film stupid skits with each other in them. I can consider him one of my best friends. Next up is Alec. I met Alec through Jibi since they both share Chemistry. I don't know him much but Jibi vouches for him, and if Jibi does then I do. He started sitting with us at lunch which will let me to get to know him more. Thanks for tuning in to the new year, logging off for the night.


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