Changes made from film review

The struggle that Andy is going through with editing is not being appreciated enough. We are on a very tight schedule. With the ccr and the PowerPoint coming up we have a lot of work to do in a short time span. Andy finished editing all the film and we were ready to review it. We have already shown parts of it to others as written in my previous blog. Andy stayed up all night to finish editing and we cant be more grateful. Me and Jibril have ZERO experience with such high quality editing. We thanked Andy when he woke up and we went over the film. We each took notes on what we liked and disliked. In the end, we went over it together. Most of our issues was with how the scenes transitioned. We felt as though there were a lot of unnecessary cuts. Andy said it was an easy fix because we could just fade it to black and then add fade ins. Our next problem was with the coloring. It was a little too bright outside. Andy said he could add some filters to make things more sad and gray. Our biggest and most important problem was with the prop gun. Originally, we used an airsoft gun as our prop. Later on though, we had to switch to an orange gun that looked extremely different. Andy said he couldn't fix that so we just have to live with it. In the end, we were happy with the product. That's all for todays blog.


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