Storyboard: Scenes 19-24

  Scene 19 

  • The scene transitions to the protagonist in their bedroom, laying down in the late thinking 

  • Protagonist (voiceover): how long will it be? A month? A week? No, he’s the type of guy to go all out in force the earliest he could. 

Scene 20 

  • An overnight transition to the next day 

  • Non diegetic sound: foot steps of the protagonist from his movement 

  • Protagonist: new day huh? I guess I could rub some time off by walking. 

  • Protag’s friend: Hey ‘Andy’! Is that really you?! 

  • Protagonist (voiceover): oh jeez, there’s only 1 person in the world with a voice like that eh.. 

Scene 21 

  • Diegetic sound: upbeat music plays 

  • Protag’s Friend: it’s been awhile, I haven’t seen you in ages! 

  • Protagonist (voiceover): of course it had to be my old friend to be here right now. Every time I see them, they’re always in a cheerful mood when I see them. It’s kinda creepy 

  • Protag’s friend: well, c’mon already, let’s walk together 

  • Protagonist: *sigh* okay.. 

Scene 22 

  • The scene changes to the two of them walking around the neighborhood 

  • Protagonist (voiceover): what did I do to deserve this. 

  • Protag’s friend: why are you such a quiet bozo, live a little man! 

  • Protagonist: you do realize I just woke up like 30 minutes ago.. 

  • Protag’s Friend: Okay? Your point? (they laugh it off) 

  • Diegetic sound: the upbeat music fades away. 

Scene 23 

  • The view changes to the different perspective of a group of the members of the bad guys 

  • Diegetic sound: ominous music plays 

  • Non-diegetic: beep of walkie talkie is heard 

  • Enemy members: boss, we’ve found him, shall we attack? 

  • Colonel: no, go buy some cake, OF COURSE ATTACK YOU DIMWITS! 

Scene 24 

  • A shoulder shot is presented in the protagonist and the enemies walk toward him. They all sprint and rush him. 

  • Diegetic sound: intense music begins to play 

  • Protag’s Friend: What the hell is this!?!??! Get off me! 

  • Protagonist: Shit, are they really attacking at this time of day?? Not only did they attack quick and stealthy, but they also are trying to keep my friend as a hostage. 


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