Our first day “filming”

 Today is our first day “filming” the title sequence. We call it filming but really we didn’t get a single piece of film. Me, Andy, and Jibril went to all the locations that we planned to film in so we could check them out. Firstly, we went to andy complex, it’s right next to Oakland park so we walked there next. Both locations were great spots for our filming so we went to the next one. We then went to the local gas station and alley way, we also went by the gym just in case. Everything was going according to plan, and all the locations were great for filming. Secondly, we chose the roles of the characters. We knew Andy was going to be the protagonist so we decided between me and Jibril and jibril said he wanted to film. Now, I’m the main antagonist. We agreed that we would all play the part of mafia members (with masks) and some of our friends said they would help us too. Overall, we think we’re good with the filming aspect. Lastly, we chose what editing software to use. Andy recommends shortcut but since he’s in communicative technology he has access to premiere pro. In the end, it’s up to him. We went over all the information together again. At home, we chose a more precise schedule of what days we were gonna film. We fixed up our schedule and talked about editing. Andy said he would be lead editor again. After that we all said our goodbyes and called it a day.

Signing off for today.


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