Music is hard to get

 Around 2 months ago when we started the project our teachers instructed us to get royalties for a song we wanted to use. The other option was to use royalty free music in our project. We each sent out a message to music companies for permission to use a song. I sent a message The Universal Music Publishing Group to use the Once by Pearl Jam. Andy sent out a message to Courtney Love, the wife of the famous Kurt Cobain. I knew from the start it was preposterous to contact her because she never even lets movie companies, video game companies, etc use Nirvanas songs. Still, Andy sent out a message for royalty rights to Something In The Way. Finally, Jibril sent out an email to Hipgnosis Songs to ask for royalty rights to Metallica’s song for whom the bell tolls. Now, 2 months later, and all of us got no response from these music companies on wether we can use the royalties. I went on a hunt for good songs that are royalty free and I found around 5 good songs, all under the Creative Commons license. I think we’re gonna use one of the songs I found for the intro sequence. All we have to do is give credit to the song and not add it on top of other songs to remix it. We can, however, cut the song and only use parts of it in the intro sequence, leaving out parts of the song we don’t like. The other option we had was if I created a song for the intro sequence. I have been playing guitar for 3 years and I know how to use GarageBand, beatlab, etc to create a nice beat. I talked about it with my group and they said it was a great idea. Now, I’m trying to create a song that can rival one of the non licensed ones. I can say, it’s not easy trying to create a song especially in such a tight timeframe. Luckily, my guitar teacher is helping me and we’re creating a little special song that I think will work. I’m gonna show it to my group tomorrow and hope that they like it.

Signing out for this long day, Max.


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