Finalizing the filming

 It’s been awhile since I’ve done any modifications on the sequence with me being busy with school and all that. It’s been a long time since I’ve done any work so I decided to discuss with my group on what we should do next moving forward. I and the others knew that we would have to get at least one of these days to film together, so we made a plan and set a date to meet and film. After figuring out each person’s availability, I and the others decided on the upcoming Thursday to film together a major chunk of the scenes. Once Thursday arrived, we all met in an area of a plaza that had the perfect visual of an alley way for the sequence.

To begin, I first had the idea of finishing up the beginning scenes that were missing due to just me being apart of the recording. Since Jibril was to be the enemy in this scene, he and Andy were going to be in the scene while I recorded them. The first scenes me and Jibril filmed were the meeting, in which his character would be discovered by mine. This scene took about 4 tries until we got a perfect recording. The next scenes would include Andy and Jibril fighting each other, although we will have to be careful with our punches. This scene took a couple amount of tries due to the consistency and safe punches we had to create, we didn’t want to harm one another! After about, 15 minutes, we finally were able to produce a good looking scene; I was very tired at this point and needed to take a break. So after a little break, we finally finished the remaining of the beginning scene, with my character beating the enemy. This didn’t take long to film, and so, I and the others went on to record the next scenes of the rest of the sequence.

The next scenes needed were the training scenes and most of the main character’s shots. For these scenes, I was the only one to be filmed, using gym accessories such as dumbbells to “workout” and train. I were already exhausted at this point but I said, “screw it”, and decided to just get over with it. I quickly were able to get the scenes done and set, my arms were drained of their energy at the end. After all those scenes were recorded, I and the rest of the group decided that it was good to stop and record some of the missing scenes later or another day. We still needed the last remaining scenes that are necessary in order to end the film's sequence.


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