Another day of filming

Today is Saturday December 4th. Andy and I decided to choose this day to go filming in the park. It was one of the most crucial scenes needed in our music video so we knew we couldn't mess anything up. It was a beautiful day outside and I got to the park in the afternoon (can't remember the time) and Andy came five minutes later. I set up the phone for filming while Andy went over the storyboard. We started filming all the scenes and everything went fine. The pans and all the other shots were implemented beautifully into the filming. I was kinda proud of myself for being able to do such a good job. We filmed everything then got to one scene that was almost impossible to do. We had to get a shot of Andy and Jibril on bikes for a flashback scene. I asked Andy what to do and he said he would edit it so it seemed like we filmed a shot of them, like the computer master he is. We then got permission to film some friends on their bikes riding in the park for our scene of reminiscence. After I filmed everything I went over the product with Andy and he was happy with it. Afterwards, we played some soccer at the park and called it a day. Once I got home I took a shower and got straight to work. I went over the film and deleted/cropped everything that was not needed. I got into a call with Andy and Jibril and they approved of my work. I checked how the film would look in the sort of grainy effect that we were going for. Everything was perfect and I finally stopped working. Signing off for tonight, Max.


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