We have a pretty hectic schedule

 Song Title: Where'd All The Time Go? 

By Dr. Dog, an American rock band based in Philadelphia. For a song made around the early 2010s, it was really catchy and the sounds give a very happy nostalgia to listeners through the lyrics used. 

Props: the props that are going to be used are for things that made entertainment back then such as drawing with chalk, playing with a jump rope, and bikes 

Costumes: Clothing that would be used is the type of clothes people wore back in the early 2000s. 


  • Music video researching about the similar genre - November 12 

  • Group will plan what story will be narrated and what props and settings are used - November 16 

  • Planning the music video scenes with storyboarding - November 19 

  • Our group will film the music video scenes - Sometime around after November 20 to December 9 

  • Editing of the music video such as effects and lyrics - Sometime around after November 20 to December 9 

  • Music Video completed - December 13 

Locations: The locations that our music video will use are parks, the beach, streets, food stops. riding bikes on the street 

Backup Plan: 

  • Props - use different items that remind of the past time 

  • Location - If one location isn't available, then another scene would be needed (planned backups are camping sites, pool hangouts) 

Signing off, Max. 


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