CCR Reflection Answers

1: Our product uses and challenges conventions in many ways. Instead of just promoting a single brand of water we ended up going against a different brand and showing how Zephyrhills water is superior. We promoted the water in a more interesting way so that we could grab the readers attention and hopefully make the commercial more interesting for them to watch. Our product represents issues in the world, those reasons are that some people aren't able to afford water so we provided a commercial for a brand of water that doesn't just taste better but is also more affordable. Our project represents social groups because we have the same amount of drive as them which is to get Zephyrhills water out to everyone since it is the best choice of water.

2: Our commercial engages with our audience in many different ways. One of the main ways that we attract the audience with our commercial is the level of humor in it. We have added many different Easter eggs and jokes to the commercial to help capture the audience so that they can have a good time while watching our commercial. Our commercial could be distributed in the real world, although it might not reach every audience. Our commercial uses humor and jokes of generation Z so not everyone might understand the humor we were trying to use. On the other hand, our commercial could start convincing kids to drink more water and show how it is good for them.

3: Our production skills developed immensely during this project. During the start of our project we didn't know anything about production. We barely knew how to use the different camera angles and shots and we didn't know how to film so it wouldn't look choppy. After the rubric came out on how to do the project we were still just as confused, it gave us details on what to do but not how to do it or when to do it. When we realized we were in a dilemma we started doing research, I came up with the plan that we should watch commercials on water to see how they do it. After watching the videos our production skills increased and increased, I also sent my friends the link to previously made commercials in the class so we could see how they implemented all of the shots and angles. In the end our production skills increased immensely considering how we started out.

4: We mostly integrated technology through or editing. We used a software called shot-cut to edit our videos and add music to them. We also used a Samsung as our video camera since it had a very nice camera and the videos came out in good quality. We used YouTube to add the music to the commercial and to implemented Easter eggs into the commercial. Overall our use of technology wasn't as relied on as how we acted in our performance, our teamwork was also a major role in our commercial.


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