A plan better than the British Naval Blockade of WW1

Today's the day we reveal the plan for our Short Film (name is still in the making). We are going to include everything from schedules and dates to health and safety issues.

Schedule: going back into the past, we chose our pitch and solidified the basic plan for what we wanted our short film to be looking like. In December, we made the final decision on what genre we wanted (it was really a war between thriller and horror), and we started writing the screenplay. Finishing the screenplay in early January, we are currently writing this planning blog. Next, we will finish our storyboards and film our short film. Lastly, we are hoping to finish all of our editing in March.

Location: our story revolves around the house of the protagonist (can't give too much away), so we have decided to use Jibril's residence. The house fits the plan perfectly, with all the rooms and locations of interior and exterior matching up with our screenplay. We all live in the same area so Max (since hes so awesome and got his drivers license) will be able to take all of us to Jibril's. Other than that, we need an office sort of area which we have covered since Jibril has an office at his place.

Participants: the participants will be Jibril Alkishawi, Maximus Macelaru and Alec Zamudio. We can't reveal character roles since that would ruin the story but trust us, it will be great. Other than us we might use a friend of ours called Naiara for help with some scenes which required a girl.

Health and Safety: first off, Max will be extra cautious on the road since he is the one driving the group. We will also use prop weapons only. To make sure no one gets harmed, we will choreograph our scenes before filming them so that everybody knows what they are doing.

Props and Costumes: we have a thriller short film about a serial killer, so of course certain props are necessary. First off, a knife for the highly awarded antagonist. We will use a prop gun for our main detective. We will also use fake blood to add amazing realism to our short film. For costumes: we need a detective outfit. They usually wear plain button downs and have a little fed badge so we will just have to purchase that. For the killer we have all the clothes he needs. His main focus on the short film are his boots, which make an eerie stomp that captures the entire sound of the scene, to amplify his power. Luckily, Max used to be a cowboy so he has an amazing pair of boots we can use (although they are a little dirty).

Backup plan: we have put into place two backup plans. First for the location, if for some reason Jibril's house won't be available for filming we always have Alec's as backup. Max's wouldn't be the ideal backup since his abode doesn't fit the screenplay's story. Our second backup plan is for the actor, if one of us gets sick then roles will have to change. Luckily, the antagonist's entire persona is that the audience can't see his face, so even if a role switch will happen mid filming, it will look like nothing happened.


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